Friday, December 23, 2011

Bonne nouvelle chez les autochtones Batwa du Burundi

La scolarisation des enfants Batwa laisse à désirer alors que l’éducation reste la seule clé d’ouverture et de garanti au développement de la communauté. les Batwa rencontrentdes problemes des manques du matériel scolaire, des uniformes, des frais scolaire etc, et ce pour permettre l’accès des enfants Batwa à la scolarisation.

Des efforts de sensibilisation et de soutien à la scolarisation ont été entrepris et cela a produit de bons résultats qui demandent encore une continuité. Malgré l’augmentation du nombre d’enfants Batwa inscrits, la majorité d’entre eux ne fréquente l’école que pendant une courte durée. Quand ils n’ont plus de soutien, ils abandonnent l’école.

A titre illustratif, jusqu’à la fin de l’Année Académique 2007-2008, nous enregistrons dans tout le Burundi seulement 1 licencié et 429 élèves Batwa depuis que ce pays existe, alors qu’il en existe des milliers au sein des autres ethnies !

Aujourd'hui Evariste NDIKUMANA deviens le deuxième licencié, diplomé en Droit au Burundi. C'est l'honneur chez la communauté autochtone du monde en général et du communauté Batwa du Burundi en particulier . Tenant compte de sa leadership et l'importance qu'il donne à sa communauté autochtonne, il a écrit son memoire de 120pages, de fin d' études intitulé : « l' Impact de la non ratification de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples Autochtones: cas du Burundi ». Ce livre va aider la communauté Batwa et les autres intervenants qui travaillent avec les communautés des autochtones Batwa.

Vive l'Education chez les autochtones.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Burundi Country, heart of Africa

Burundi country

I write about Burundi country, because i remember the day when Heidi Greider And Buchan Leigh www.globalsupportmission.orgcame to visited the Batwa of Burundi, Heidi Greider Has a map and asked me all times about what she saw in her map, about the rivers, lake Tanganyika, forest Kibira, the name of some provinces which we visited, how the burundians live. So I take this time to discribe the Burundi country so many people can know the Burundi country:

Burundi is a country located in central Africa; south of Rwanda; east of the Democratic Republic of Congo and southwest of Tanzania. In addition to exporting coffee, tea, cotton to those countries, Burundi is always paying $43 million to rich countries. Now they are exploring the mineral resources we have, to take it and let us stay poor. The former fighters make our government, there are many agendas that we cannot know, but surely those former fighters are paying back the weapons they used. But Burundians continue to die from disease, hunger, and ignorance keeping us exploited and under slavery from a foreign power.

Burundi is small but rich in what it holds: gold (in a small quantity), Uranium, Nickel (is in high quantity), hydropower including oil, cobalt etc. This country, equal in size to Belgium, but with more resources, should not register a high rate of mortality with a life expectancy limited to 40 years.

If you are interested in Burundi you know that more than 68 percent are living in extreme poverty, it means people living under 1 dollar a day. In 2005 the international community led by the UN decided to indeed support Burundi and Sierra Leone, the two last countries in the World

Burundi have many things which are very beautiful, coffee, lake Tanganyika,good nature and forests.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Batwa: Indigenous and minority people in Burundi

Batwa: Indigenous and minority people in Africa

Batwa constitute the third category of the Burundian social layer and are a minority at 2% of all the Burundian population. They live without land and with their only means of subsistence being the crafting of traditional pottery and exchanging the pots for consumable goods while the rest of the Burundian population has agriculture and intellectual output. Currently, the pots are being replaced by the pans and the cans. The pots do not have value any more. Unfortunately this is the only source of income for life and for the expenses of school payments for their children.

Since the colonial period very few Batwa children have attended school. The statistics of 2007 at the national level indicate that there are 450 Batwa pupils in the secondary school and 3 students at the university. But it must be remembered that of this number there are cases of attrition and a high drop out rate each quarter because of a multitude of causes: famine, inability to stay current with expenses for school, lack of supplies and uniforms for school, and, on top of these factors, it must be remembered that these students are often maltreated by others at the school because of the discrimination.

Because of the marginalization, discrimination, extreme poverty that the Batwa live with; the Batwa children did not attend the school at the same rate/rhythm of the other Burundian children.

The Batwa are poor but they are always happy, they like to sing, to dance

Please always remember to pray for the Batwa.

Friday, November 14, 2008

God remembers his people

Some times the people think that God forget them as me I believed before because the life where i was born. Sad life, no house like others, no love from others neighbors sad life. But slowly i understand that God is with us